Our Church Schools
We are blessed by having Horsley CofE Primary school (with around 100 pupils) and Nailsworth CofE Primary School (with around 190 pupils). Both are Voluntary Aided School which means that we play a significant part in the life of the school. This is particularly so in Horsley as the church was converted in recent years to become a multi-purpose building used by the school during the week as an assembly hall, dining hall and gym area.
The Church is very involved in the schools through Collective worship, Open the Book and the schools also come into Church for church experiences and services.
Nailsworth School come to St George's for their seasonal services and have had a number of art exhibitions in the church, where families have been invited to a launch evening with refreshments.
Horsley school, use the church during the day for lessons, lunch and sporting activities. Over the past year we have gathered for special services in the Church for Harvest and a Christingle service.
A music festival was planned for 2020, with the involvement of both schools, but due to the the current situation, this has been postponed until 2021.
We have a governing presence in both schools. Reverend Caroline is ex-oficio at Nailsworth and Horsley, Peter Strachen is governor at Nailsworth and Mark Carden and Kathy are governors at Horsley.
To find out more about our schools, please visit the school websites via the links given below.